
Siblings of children with Williams syndrome: Correlates of psychosocial adjustment and sibling relationship quality.

Cebula K(1), Gillooly A(2), Coulthard LK(3), Riby DM(3), Hastings RP(4).
Author information:
(1)Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK. Electronic address: katie.cebula@ed.ac.uk.
(2)Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,UK.
(3)Department of Psychology, Durham University, Durham, UK.
(4)Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK; Centre for Developmental Psychiatry and Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Res Dev Disabil. 2019 Sep 21;94:103496. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2019.103496. [Epub ahead of print]

背景: 目的: 手法と手順: 成績と結果: 結論と含意: (2019年9月)
